Tuesday, May 11, 2010

YAY Tuesday!

TONS of new stuff this week, Violet is like a crazy whirling dervish of creation. =P

First we've got some new releases, these can all be found in the store now! Get 'em while they're hot!

Next up is the Tinkerbell costum, which will be HALF of the Kids Fifty Linden Friday offering this week - the other half is SO CUTE. But I am saving that other half for tomorrow's blog. *wink* You can however, purchase both 50LF dresses today at full price right now. And there are more costumes to be shown tomorrow for next week's specials, so check back! :D

Last for today I want to blog something so cute that I am pretty sure my mom is going to love. If I had a grandma, she'd love it too! And what might that be?! PINCHABLE CHEEKS! Oh yeah! :D How do you blog something invisible, you might ask? Well just like this...

Click your avatar's chubby little cheeks to get emotes of pinching, patting, and the good old grandma double pincher. And yes, that hairbow IS a teaser for tomorrow's post.


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